
Thursday Mar 21, 2019
S01E23 - "Willy and Kate," or, Likable Protagonists
Thursday Mar 21, 2019
Thursday Mar 21, 2019
In this episode of "The Littlest Hobo," we meet two genuinely likable protagonists in Kate, a 9 year old girl, and Willy, a 65 year old man carrying around $6000 in cash. Willy and Kate are travelling across the country to get to Cali-forn-iah. Along the way they'll meet kidnappers, psychopaths, and the kind of people that keep an open glass of milk in the fridge. The horror. The horror.

Thursday Mar 14, 2019
S01E22 - "The Pied Piper," or, 3 MCs and 1 Hobo
Thursday Mar 14, 2019
Thursday Mar 14, 2019
If you don't like the Beastie Boys, don't listen to this episode. In this "Littlest Hobo," Dan Mooney gets a job at the children's hospital in which volunteers only read the happiest of poets (T.S. Eliot) and the happiest of philosophers (Schopenhauer). Katie and Stefan talks about Robert Browning's tiny little yellow leather gloves and Tennyson reading "Maud" to the Queen before turning to the worst musical ever made: "Cats."

Thursday Mar 07, 2019
S01E21 - "Guardian Angel," or, Katie Hates Babies
Thursday Mar 07, 2019
Thursday Mar 07, 2019
Featuring an Academy Award winner, "Guardian Angel" tells the story of a chronic thief and his wife. Together, the two steal an abandoned child along with a bunch of other things. Elsewhere, Katie announces to the world that she hates babies. Tell everyone.

Thursday Feb 21, 2019
S01E20 - "Escape," or, Anarchist Truck Driver
Thursday Feb 21, 2019
Thursday Feb 21, 2019
Tim/Timothy/Timmy has escaped from jail. Now outside, he meets a truck driver who doesn't care for prisons before going to the coolest disco club ever. Elsewhere, Katie and Stefan decide they are no longer friends, talk about the Panopticon, and invent "Serial Killer Flipper," the dreaded "Dolphin Killer."

Thursday Feb 14, 2019
S01E19 - "Romiet and Julio," or, Lady Bareback Rider
Thursday Feb 14, 2019
Thursday Feb 14, 2019
In this episode of "The Littlest Hobo" two kids, neither or which are named Romiet or Julio, try to run away from home to get married. Meanwhile, The Littlest Hobo shows everyone his MTV crib, confirms that he can read, and participates in a bunch of scenes which go on way, way too long. Leslie Nielsen shows up as a man nicknamed "Chesty."

Thursday Feb 07, 2019
S01E18 - "Diamonds Are a Dog's Best Friend," or, Klattu, Barrata, Necktie
Thursday Feb 07, 2019
Thursday Feb 07, 2019
In this episode, the Hobo helps a magician clear his name after he unwittingly steals a million dollar diamond. Over the course of the show, Katie learns not to mess with city employees, Stefan talks about the suit he's going to wear to his wedding, and both realize that this episode’s villain is probably the smartest Hobo villain yet.
By the way, if you live at 36 Strathgowan Crescent in Toronto, let us know. We want to stand on your lawn.

Thursday Jan 31, 2019
S01E17 - "The Million Dollar Fur Heist," or, Drinking and Driving is Bad
Thursday Jan 31, 2019
Thursday Jan 31, 2019
The Godfather's Tessio gets drunk, steals a truck, and gets his grandson kidnapped. Just a regular day for the Hobo though, who foils a scheme set in action by a proud line of thieves that are willing to not only steal, but straight up kill people at the drop of a hat. Elsewhere, Katie has no idea how inflation works, Stefan regrets bringing up the existence of lot lizards, and Tessio's grandson just can't stop eating.
We also try to figure out who Ryan McCallum/Rob McLeavy is. Please help us. #whoisryanmccallum

Thursday Jan 24, 2019
S01E16 - "Snapshot," or, The All Canadian Hockey Edition
Thursday Jan 24, 2019
Thursday Jan 24, 2019
In this episode, sensitive child Joey just wants to take photos but his mom wants him to be the next Bobby Orr. Meanwhile, three bank robbers are trying to rob a bank, but their lack of knot tying skills keep tripping them up. Katie and Stefan collectively decide that hockey is important to Canadians, Joey's mom is the Tia Domi of hockey moms, and a Mecha-Hobo is probably in the works. Katie answers a multiple choice question. The Canadian content is through the roof!

Thursday Jan 17, 2019
S01E15 - "The Last Job," or, You'll Learn
Thursday Jan 17, 2019
Thursday Jan 17, 2019
After being freed, convicted felon Nick drives like a maniac, lies to his fiancee, robs a bank, and meets The Three Stooges. But it's all ok because the Littlest Hobo arrives to set up Nick and almost get him killed. This episode also features $287 550 in money, and another Italian with an authentic Italian™ accent. Mamma mia!

Thursday Jan 10, 2019
S01E14 - "Give My Regards To Broadway," or 9 for Psychological Torture
Thursday Jan 10, 2019
Thursday Jan 10, 2019
In this episode, which Stefan wholeheartedly hates, another wholly unlikable protagonist steals a bunch of stuff and is rightfully arrested for it. Sadly, she walks free. Listen to the episode to learn a little about the world's most handsome gorilla and Katie's love for "Once Upon a Hamster." Marvel as Stefan gives up and digs into the fruit tray.